Ground Source Heat Pump Association

The Ground Source Heat Pump Association was launched in 2006 with the aims of:
- promoting the efficient and sustainable use of ground source heat pumps
- raising awareness of the benefits of ground source heat pumps
- developing ground source installation Standards
- encouraging the growth and development of the ground source heat pump industry
- assisting, encouraging and supporting high standards of training for the industry
- providing a forum for information interchange
- liaising with related organisations to benefit the industry
- representing the interests of the ground source energy industry to government
GSHP Standards
The GSHP Association has responded to the call for ground source industry installation standards in order to define and maintain a high level of installation quality, protect the environment and maintain the reputation of the industry.
The Standards have been drawn up by the GSHPA to help designers and installers of ground source systems, architects and engineers specifying ground source systems. They can also help contractors employing specialist companies to install ground source systems.
The GSHP Standards provide concise information for the materials and general specification of installations. They define minimum materials specification, techniques and qualification requirements to ensure that installations can comply with the Standards, or that contractors are able to establish that the companies they employ are complying with the Standards.
The first to be published was the Vertical Borehole Standard. The second was the Thermal Pile Standard. The third was the Shallow Ground Source Standard.
GSHPA – Code of Conduct
Members include installers, designers, consultants, borehole drilling specialists and suppliers to the ground source industry. You can find members on the GSHPA database.
Members of the GSHP Association are bound by its Code of Conduct which regulates the conduct of members in advertising, sales, insurance, installation, servicing, legal obligations, complaints and conciliation.
Newcomers to the industry are invited to match up to the highest standards of practice and join the Association to exchange knowledge and ensure they are can meet the expectations of their clients. They gain the opportunity to input to the drawing up of technical standards, the opportunity to influence government policies through membership of the GSHPA and regular update of news affecting the ground source heat pump industry.
Edward Thompson of ICAX Ltd was voted on to the Council of the GSHPA in 2011.
Renewable Energy Targets
From the DECC website: To meet our 2020 15% renewable energy target, we need to develop new ways of generating renewable energy in all sectors, including heat. Heat generated from renewable sources accounts for approximately 1% of total heat demand – this may need to rise to 12% to hit our binding EU targets. We will not be able to expand renewable heat without some form of financial assistance because other forms of heat are currently cheaper. Such support will enable more people to afford renewable heat and, by expanding the market, help bring costs down more quickly.
The UK has set itself very ambitious targets for increasing the supply of renewable energy.
Ground Source Energy is the most promising approach for achieving economic renewable energy: heat pumps can transfer heat into buildings without using combustion or releasing CO2.
The Renewable Heat Incentive provides an annual financial encouragement to owners who install ground source heat pumps.
See: How ground source heat pumps work
Ground Source Heat Pump Association
0330 2234 302