Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme – ESOS
The EU Energy Efficiency Directive requires all Member States to introduce a programme of regular energy audits for 'large enterprises'. Audits must be undertaken by 5 December 2015, and then at least every four years. Government believes that the ESOS will offer a significant opportunity for the UK. It is intended to drive the take-up of cost-effective energy efficiency measures benefiting their competitiveness and contributing to the wider growth agenda.
The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme is the UK Government's approach to implementing this requirement. Under the scheme, approved assessors will carry out compliant ESOS assessments to identify energy saving recommendations in the 7,300 organisations covered by the scheme.
From 2015 every organisation or business with over 250 employees will have to audit their energy consumption and identify energy saving measures. They will have to repeat the exercise every four years.
According to Greg Barker, the energy minister, this will "help to drive the take-up of cost effective energy measures by participants" and doing so will "benefit their competitiveness and contribute to the wider growth agenda."

What will be the effect of the ESOS?
The ESOS will require energy audits – but will not require any other actions to be taken.
The intention is to encourage organisations to focus on their energy use and on opportunities for energy saving.
Each organisation must:
- measure total energy consumption across its buildings, transport and industrial activities
- ensure at least 90% of total energy consumption is subject to an ESOS energy audit, a Display Energy Certificate, a Green Deal Assessment or an ISO 50001 energy management system
- appoint a Lead Assessor (internal or external) on one of the 13 approved registers to conduct and review the energy audits
- notify the Environment Agency that the ESOS assessment has been done
- keep records of how they have complied
The ESOS energy audits are expected to identify energy cost saving opportunities of £31 billion. What percentage will be implemented?
With 50% of energy use in the UK being employed in buildings, largely for heating, cooling and lighting, there is a strong steer for businesses to consider heat recycling which can be achieved by employing Interseasonal Heat Transfer.
Would you like help to identify energy saving opportunities?
If you have a large energy bill then an energy audit from ICAX may help you identify significant saving opportunities. Please contact us on 020 7 253 2240 or email us.
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ICAX Limited
33 Greenwood Place
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