Residential Solutions
We provide solution packages for Social Housing Providers and housing developers, including batch orders of our in-house designed 10-kW Air Source Heat Pumps (Seren 10) with accompanying hydraulic unit (Seren Hub) and touch pad controller (Seren Slate).
We manufacture our residential product range at our factory in South Wales and our heat pump packages are suitable for new builds or retrofits, tailored to assist in meeting decarbonisation targets.
Our solution packages include batch orders of our residential product range and advice surrounding installation, commissioning and troubleshooting.
Marine Source Heat Pump Project
Brief: The brief for this project was to provide a retrofit solution for a marine source heat pump to replace a fuel oil boiler for a port building. This project is part of a de-carbonisation drive by the client - which is a proud recipient of EcoPort certification.
Solution: We have provided a fully marine source heat pump solution. Sea water is abstracted from and returned to the port, providing electrified heat to the building. We built a bespoke high-temperature heat pump for this location, to ensure that the client could retain the existing heating distribution infrastructure, significantly reducing the project cost and installation disruption.
If you are a marine community, or have buildings located by the sea, and would like to have a heat pump solution, please contact us.
Factory Project
Brief: This new build factory produces extremely high precision components and wanted a total heating and cooling solution that would provide close temperature control in the whole production space to meet the very exacting tolerance standards for measuring their product.
Solution: Our solution provides ground source heating and cooling, linked to a heating and cooling distribution system, designed by ICAX, that utilises the thermal mass of the very thick slab (required to provide structural inertia for the machine tools) and a complete air management and de-stratification solution, for fine temperature tuning. The year-round balancing of energy required for heating and cooling provides exceptional system performance and low revenue costs for the user. ICAX provides a monitoring dashboard and Planned Preventative Maintenance service for this project.
If you have a factory project and would like to have a heat pump solution, please contact us.
Community Centre 1
Brief: The community centre was looking to de-carbonise, and had already installed a substantial solar photovoltaic array on the roof. The centre has a parkside location.
Solution: We identified the solar array as a resource, as a considerable surplus of electrical energy is provided in the summer. We use this surplus electrical energy to provide a boost to the stored thermal energy stored in the ground, so that the winter heating (drawn from the ground array) is provided at a very high efficiency, resulting in very low winter heating running costs for the community. As part of our commitment to the community, ICAX commissioned a bespoke artwork for the plant room, from a local artist. We provide a Planned Preventative maintenance programme and monitoring dashboard for this project.
If you have a community building project and would like to have a heat pump solution, please contact us.
Community Centre 2
Brief: This new, lightweight built community centre had an energy design that did not meet the Council's ambitious sustainability objectives, and ICAX was invited by the architect to provide an alternative heat pump solution for heating and cooling. Some of the spaces are very intensively used and require high rates of ventilation.
Solution: Our solution provides a ground-source-based heating and cooling solution, including the ventilation and distribution design. The system provides an optimal balance of heating and cooling, both instantaneously and across seasons, resulting in very low energy costs for the user, meeting the Council and the community's objectives for a low carbon, low energy cost building. We provide a Planned Preventative Maintenance programme and monitoring dashboard for this project.
If you have a community building project and would like to have a heat pump solution, please contact us.
Local Authority Housing Retrofit
Brief: The Local Authority is driving an ambitious decarbonisation plan, and asked us to provide a solution for large estates, with existing heat networks.
Solution: The site locations have good access to high-yielding aquifers, and the solution provides our high-temperature output heat pumps, which are located alongside the existing gas boilers. This means that Authority has been able to electrify the heating to these estates and de-carbonise, without needing to renew the heating distribution (pipework and radiators) in the flats. ICAX provide a Planned Preventative Maintenance service for these projects.
If you are a Local Authority and would like to decarbonise your building portfolio with heat pumps, please contact us.
School Retrofit
Brief: The Local Authority wanted to carry out a set of retrofits across a number of local schools, as part of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund (PSDF).
Solution: ICAX assisted in winning the funding for these projects by providing information for the PSDF application. We have provided a specially produced Air Source Heat Pump for retrofitting to these schools. This solution means that there is no need to change the pipework or radiators inside the schools, as our units are able to provide temperatures to match gas boilers. This gives low-cost, low-carbon retrofits and helps the local authority and schools to meet their sustainability objectives.
If you are a school, Academy or Local Authority, and would like to decarbonise with heat pumps, please contact us.
Leisure Centre Retrofit
Brief: The Local Authority wanted to carry out a set of retrofits for this Leisure Centre, as part of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund (PSDF).
Solution: ICAX assisted in winning the funding for these projects by providing information for the PSDF application. The Leisure Centre has high domestic hot water usage, and some large halls require efficient, ambient heating. Our solution provides a very neat air source heat pump installation, which provides a highly efficient, low cost and minimally disruptive solution - allowing the Centre to continue business as usual throughout the installation.
If you have Leisure Centre that you would like to de-carbonise, please contact us.
Campus Ambient Heat Network
Brief: Campuses, whether university or corporate, contain buildings that have a wide variation in heating and cooling profiles across the year. Ambient networks can be an effective way to provide heating and cooling to a group of buildings.
Solution: We installed the first large ambient heat network in the UK, on a campus. This solution allows the heating and cooling needs of different buildings to be addressed efficiently and is the optimum district heat network in this context.
If you have a Campus site (academic or otherwise) and are thinking about district heating networks, please contact us.
River Source Heat Pump
Brief: Surface water- rivers, streams and lakes, can be a good energy source for heat pumps. In this project, the most cost-effective available energy source for the heat pump was a river tributary.
Solution: In order to access the river energy, we designed and engineered a new type of weir that complies with all of the required environmental (river flora and fauna) constraints, and as a result obtained permission for the first new weir construction in the UK in a decade. The project uses a high-temperature heat pump so that the existing site distribution (pipework and radiators) can remain in place. This means that the retrofit work is confined only to the plant room area, and the building operations continued without disruption.
If you have a Campus site (academic or otherwise) and are thinking about district heating networks, please contact us.
New Build School
Brief: The Local Authority wanted to achieve the highest possible performance for their new school, and we were approached by the architect to develop a ground source heat pump solution that would meet the ambition for a Passivhaus + outcome.
Solution: We have provided a packaged plant room solution for this school, to minimise space taken in the new building layout. A ground source package provides very high efficiency across the use, and we have designed-in a passive cooling capability to the system, to ensure that the package is future-proofed for climate change. We provide a Planned Preventative Maintenance programme and monitoring dashboard for this project.
If you are a school, Academy or Local Authority, and would like to decarbonise with heat pumps, please contact us.
Hospital Retrofit
Brief: The brief asked for a economic heat-pump retrofit for a hospital to assist with de-carbonisation targets, to provide both heating and cooling.
Solution: In order to achieve the decarbonisation goals, our design incorporated a hybrid solution, with both air and ground energy sources utilised. The hybrid scheme enable us to optimise the performance of the system, dependent on the source energy temperature. The design also optimises the efficiency of the heating and cooling cycles, by providing simultaneous heating and cooling where possible.
If you have a Hospital site (academic or otherwise) and are thinking about de-carbonisation, please contact us.